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Improvements to LoadCalc Professional!:


Version 2.27.115 Release:


Add support for entering and maintaining Stumpage Rates on the Tract Settlement Rates screen.
Added Clear Paid Tickets screen to the Tract Income Screen
Updated Add/Edit Load Tickets screen, Query Load Tickets and History screens to add 'Pd' checkbox to each ticket and to highlight by bolding tickets cleared and associated with Payments in the Tract Income Screen.
Updated Edit Load Tickets screen to prevent editing of cleared Load Tickets
Added Tickets Receivable Report to provide a way to print a list of un-cleared and un-paid Load Tickets stored in the system
Added Deposit Detail Report to provide a daily report of tickets cleared and associated with Payments in the Tract Income Screen.


Version 2.27.108 Release:


Added additional selection options for Settlement Reports. On Logger, Hauler and Land Owner Settlement reports, users can now elect to filter by a Range of Dates, Logger, Hauler and Tract Ids.
Added currency formatting to Tract Profit/Loss Report
Fixed bug in Tract/Hauler Detail Report
Expanded Id and Name fields on Summary Reports
Modified Loan Detail and Loan Summary to show the Bank Summary totals on the main reports rather than printing a separate report.


Version 2.27.107 Release:


Redesigned Report Engine for Logger, Hauler, Mill and Tract detail reports.
Fixed several minor bugs in sorting and totaling on the detail reports.
Redesigned layout of Settlement Worksheets to display full names of Loggers, Haulers, Mills, Products. Updated Tract Production report to track Average Loads by species and display Loads Remaining.
Fixed problem with totals on Tract Production Report. Updated Query Ticket screen to include Ticket # as optional query field and to display Sub-Total window and options.
Fixed bug preventing last decimal from displaying in the Sub-Total Window.
Added several additional reports.
Modified report screens to minimize open tables during processing.


Version 2.27.101 Release:


New Query Load Tickets Screen
New Hauler List
Can store separate Settlement Rates for Loggers, Haulers and Land Owners
Can print separate Settlement Worksheets for Loggers, Haulers and Land Owners
Increased Tract ID, Mill ID, Logger Id, Hauler Id, Product Id maximum field width to 20 characters
Fixed decimal bug on Tract Expenses screen
Fixed comma display problem on Tract Expenses, Tract Income, and Tract Loans screens
Added Loads per Product and Total Load fields on Tract Production Report
Expanded decimals of Settlement Rates to four (4) decimal places
Expanded decimals of Load Tickets Delivery Weights to three (3) decimal places
Enabled editing tickets from the Load Ticket History and Query Load Tickets screens
Added Loan Detail Report and Loan Summary Reports
Changed order of grid displays on Enter Load Ticket screen and Load Ticket History screen
Complete re-write of Enter Load Tickets screen to optimize queries and lookup screens
New Hauler/Mill Report, Mill/Hauler Report, Hauler Detail Report, and Hauler Summary Report


Version 2.27.92 - Pre-Release Version:


New, Improved User Interface
Fully Windows Compatible
Supports Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista
Increased Tract Id, Mill Id, Logger Id and Product Id field size to 15 Alphanumeric characters
Added full Contact Information to Tract List, Logger List and Mill List
Added four (4) contact telephone numbers to Tract List, Logger List and Mill List
Added Email address field to Tract List, Logger List and Mill List
Added Comments field to Tract List, Logger List and Mill List
Added pop-up calendars and pop-up lists where ever appropriate
Full database repair tools added
Export/Import functions added
Improved navigation of Load Tickets
On-Screen user-selectable Load Ticket Sub-Totals
Convert CruiseCalc IV for Windows Tally Sheet to Tract List
Quick Access Toolbar
Full Context Sensitive Help & Manual