Clear Paid Tickets |
The Clear Paid Tickets screen opens when you click the 'Clear Tkts' button on the Tract Income screen. The top of the screen contains details of the payment entered on the Tract Income screen.
The Clear Paid Tickets screen will show all un-cleared tickets for the Mill Id you entered on the Tract Income screen. Also shown on this screen is any tickets that have been previously marked for the Check Number that was entered. Clear any tickets that are associated with the payment entered by clicking on the checkbox in the 'Pd' column. Clicking the check box associates the ticket with the payment and un-checking the box removes the association. This is helpful in case the wrong ticket is marked paid, or you need to go back and edit a ticket after it has been cleared.
Click the 'Save' button to save any changes you have made on this screen.
Once a ticket has been cleared and associated with a particular payment, the ticket can no longer be edited. If you need to edit a ticket that has already been cleared, return to this screen and un-check the 'Pd' checkmark to make the ticket editable again. Remember, you will need to return to this screen and re-mark the check as paid after your edits are completed.