LoadCalc Professional! Features

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LoadCalc Professional! is an easy to use tool to give users something they cannot have too much of: TIME!


Most load ticket tracking systems require a lot of effort to set up and maintain. LoadCalc Professional! on the other hand, requires that you only know basically five pieces of information: Tract, Logger, Hauler, Mill, and Product and once you have all of these pieces, the rest of the system practically takes care of itself.


Here are just a few of great features in LoadCalc Professional!


Automatically add Tracts while entering load tickets
Automatically add Loggers while entering load tickets
Automatically add Haulers while entering load tickets
Automatically add Mills while entering load tickets
Automatically add Products while entering load tickets
Automatically identify unique rate combinations for load tickets
Enter new Settlement Rates on the fly while entering load tickets
Settlement Sheets provide error listings for zero rate combinations
Query stored Load Tickets for customized reports and exports
Print Reports for any range of dates
Many reports provide filtering options to help keep reports short
Preview all reports prior to printing
Export the raw data of many reports to Excel Spreadsheets
Pop-Up Windows provide quick access to tables
Tract Profit/Loss Statements can be printed easily
Exclude inactive Tracts, Mills, Loggers or Haulers from many reports
Export any data in any table to a comma-delimited file
Open multiple windows at a time so information is at your fingertips!
Repair Tools are built right into the system for easy maintenance


As you can see from this short feature list, LoadCalc Professional! is a comprehensive, user-friendly way to make the most of the knowledge that can derived from your load tickets.


Simply stated, there is no other program in any price range that gives you as much for your money as LoadCalc Professional!!