LoadCalc Professional! Requirements


  • Windows 98, XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 10
  • Pentium Processor
  • 64 MB RAM
  • 20 MB Hard Drive Space
  • 800 x 600 Resolution SVGA
  • Mouse



Online Help



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LoadCalc Professional! Support 



Context Sensitive Help


LoadCalc Professional! includes a full context sensitive help system integrated with the program. If you have any questions about a particular screen within the program, press the 'F1' key on your keyboard, or click the '?' on the Quick-Access Toolbar at the top of the screen. This will open the help file to the proper page.



Online Help


The latest version of the context sensitive help file is available online for downloading or browsing with your internet browser. You can access this at any time by returning to this website and clicking on the Online Help links. Navigation within this online version of the help is very similar to the Context Sensitive Help system. However, the online edition of the help will always be most up-to-date version available.



Downloading Updates


Updates to the LoadCalc Professional! program will be provided for downloading as new features are added or bugs are fixed. A Version History of all releases with version numbers and release dates will be provided on this page. If you have already installed LoadCalc Professional! on your computer you can download the update by clicking on the download button below. If you do not have LoadCalc Professional! installed, you will need to download the full installation package located here. The Update Download only includes the updated main program and the appropriate help files. 






Version History

11/10/2018 Version 2.27.139 Released


Expanded the Adjustment Amount fields for Tract, Logger & Hauler Adjustments to handle numeric values up to 10 positive digits and 9 negative digits to the left of the decimal and 4 digits to the right of the decimal. Changed the formatting of the Tract Settlement Report to ensure the adjustment field was wide enough to display all of the adjustment digits. Updated the adjustment amount handler code to ensure calculations and display values were respecting all of the significant decimal digits.

08/21/2017 Version 2.27.135 Released


Includes minor tweaks and customer requested changes including adding the registered company name to the Main Screen Title.

08/19/2015 Version 2.27.131 Released


Bug fix: This fix improves the query selection filter for Settlement Report adjustments to make sure that an exact match is made on the id on the Logger & Hauler Settlement Reports.

10/09/2013 Version 2.27.130 Released


Bug fix: Fixed problem with the Import File selection on the Import/Export Screen and fixed the bug that prevented the use of commas in the tract ids.

10/09/2013 Version 2.27.127 Released


Bug fix: The Land Owner Settlement Report was picking up adjustments from tracts with very similar tract ids. This fix tightens up the query selection filter to make sure that an exact match is made on the tract id.

06/20/2012 Version 2.27.126 Released


Update includes minor bug fixes as well as the following new features: Users may now establish a week-ending date within the system settings so that tickets can be entered using both the ticket date and the week-ending date. This resolves a problem that occurs if a ticket is turned in late and ensures that the ticket will be included in the proper week's report IF the user chooses to run the settlement reports by week-ending date rather than by ticket date. A new tool has been added to the Tools Menu to allow users to retro-actively generate the weekending date for tickets entered prior to this update. The week-ending date on previously entered tickets is determined to be the closest week-ending to the ticket date. Users may now enter Pay Adjustments for Haulers and Land Owners. Previously this feature was only available for Loggers. User may now select up to four different types of Pay Adjustments: Flat Dollar Amounts, Percentage of Total Due, Amounts per Load and Amounts per Ton. Settlement reports for Haulers and Land Owners now include the calculation of and printing of Pay Adjustments.

09/11/2008 Version 2.27.119 Released


Bug fix to re-enable the resizing of the display grid at the bottom of the Enter Load Tickets screen.

08/16/2008 Version 2.27.118 Released


Added 'Options' link on the Tools menu, Added 'Select CCIV Install Path' to Options screen and removed 'Select CCIV Install Path' from Tools menu, Added 'Default Export Path' to Options screen, Added 'Print Product Sub-Totals' checkbox to the Options screen, Updated Settlement Reports to allow the printing of Product Sub-Totals to all reports, Added 'Products Total' each major grouping on the Settlement Reports, Added new report, Ticket Profit/Loss Statement to the Financial Reports (This report allows users to print a report of the expected profit for all tickets entered between any range of dates.), Added some icons to the top menu. Added delete option to the Settlement Rates screen and changed the title of Stumpage rates to Delivered Rates.

02/24/2008 Version 2.27.116 Released


Fixed Production Tract Production Report, Financial Tract Loan Detail Report, Tract Loan Summary Report and the Tract Profit/Loss Report so that the Tract Option drop-down only includes Active Tracts. Fixed a couple of other minor issues with the last release.

02/23/2008 Version 2.27.115 Released


Add support for entering and maintaining Stumpage Rates on the Tract Settlement Rates screen; Added Clear Paid Tickets screen to the Tract Income Screen; Updated Add/Edit Load Tickets screen, Query Load Tickets and History screens to add 'Pd' checkbox to each ticket and to highlight by bolding tickets cleared and associated with Payments in the Tract Income Screen; Updated Edit Load Tickets screen to prevent editing of cleared Load Tickets; Added Tickets Receivable Report to provide a way to print a list of un-cleared and un-paid Load Tickets stored in the system; Added Deposit Detail Report to provide a daily report of tickets cleared and associated with Payments in the Tract Income Screen; Updated documentation to reflect the latest changes, screens and procedures. 

02/07/2008 Version 2.27.112 Released


Completed final version of LoadCalc Professional documentation, published PDF version of manual, CHM version of manual and Web-Browser version of manual. Update F1 links between LoadCalc Professional and CHM documentation to provide full context sensitive help support for users.

02/05/2008 Version 2.27.108 Released


Added additional selection options for Settlement Reports. On Logger, Hauler and Land Owner Settlement reports, users can now elect to filter by a Range of Dates, Logger, Hauler and Tract Ids.; Added currency formatting to Tract Profit/Loss Report; Fixed bug in Tract/Hauler Detail Report; Expanded Id and Name fields on Summary Reports; Modified Loan Detail and Loan Summary to show the Bank Summary totals on the main reports rather than printing a separate report. 

01/31/2008 Version 2.27.107 Released


Redesigned Report Engine for Logger, Hauler, Mill and Tract detail reports. Fixed several minor bugs in sorting and totaling on the detail reports. Redesigned layout of Settlement Worksheets to display full names of Loggers, Haulers, Mills, Products. Updated Tract Production report to track Average Loads by species and display Loads Remaining. Fixed problem with totals on Tract Production Report. Updated Query Ticket screen to include Ticket # as optional query field and to display Sub-Total window and options. Fixed bug that was preventing last decimal from displaying in the Sub-Total Window. Added several additional reports. Modified report screens to minimize open tables during processing. 

01/27/2008 Version 2.27.101 Released


LoadCalc Professional! is formally released and made available for downloading. This version includes minor bug fixes along with additional features such as Load Ticket Query Screen, Editing Tickets from History Screens, Multiple Tract Settlement Rates for Loggers, Haulers, and Land Owners. This version extends the usage of the Tract Bank Loan screen to enable the tracking of loan payments against the initial Loan Principal.  New reports added to allow printing of Hauler Detail & Summary Reports, Settlement Reports added for Haulers and Land Owners. Load Ticket Entry screen completely re-written to optimize the internal programming and queries. Settlement Reports Screen completely re-written to take advantage of internal SQL procedures. Tract Settlement Rates Edit screen completely re-written to allow queries and manual updating of Settlement Rates. Settlement Rates can now be entered on the fly as load tickets are entered and new unique combinations are created. 

11/15/2007 Version 2.27.100 Pre-Release


LoadCalc Professional! is released in it's Pre-Beta version and made available for downloading. Website is completed and all documentation is edited and proofed. 



Technical Support


If after checking the help files, online help, and making sure you have the latest version of the product installed, you are still having problems,  you can either email technical support at techsupport@loadcalcpro.com 24 hours per day, seven days a week, or you can call 1-601-483-4404 to speak with a Support Specialist directly Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Central Standard Time.